Electronic correlation effects in 3d and 5f materials | LQMEC Synergy

Electronic correlation effects in 3d and 5f materials
LQMEC Synergy 
com Prof. Walber Hugo Brito, da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
19.08, 6ª feira, 16h. [Presencial] Ed. Principal, Sala 3029.

Electronic correlation effects in 3d and 5f materials
In strongly correlated materials the competing energy scales give rise to rich phase diagrams and emergent properties, which can not be properly explained by the usual band theory of solids.
The competition between the kinetic energy and the electron-electron interactions lies at the heart of this problem. In  this talk, I will present theoretical studies on the electronic correlation effects in two different materials, namely, iron diantimonide (FeSb2) and elemental plutonium (Pu). The former is a narrow gap correlated semiconductor well-known for its colossal thermopower at low temperatures. In this case, I will discuss the calculated excitation spectra of FeSb2 and its validation using photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES).
In the second part of my talk, I will focus on elemental Pu that exhibits solid state properties which are exceptionally challenging to describe or understand from a theoretical perspective. In this case I will show how many-body calculations have shed a new light on the orbital and site-dependent correlations in elemental Pu.
Prof. Julio Larrea: larrea@if.usp.br
Profª Valentina Martelli: valentina.martelli@usp.br
Website: LQMEC.com
Acompanhe a programação também em lqmec.com/lqmec-synergy


Data do Evento: 
19/08/2022 - 16:00
Data de Término: 
19/08/2022 - 17:30

Desenvolvido por IFUSP