Seminário da Dead Physicists Society (, que ocorrerá no dia 04 de abril:

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"Quantum Mechanics: A Pedagogical Approach To a Geometric Theory"
Guilherme Dias Vianna, IFT-Unesp
04 de abril, quinta-feira, IFUSP, Ed. Principal, Sala 2003, às 14h.
Instead of trying to explore the historical side of QM, I will begin with it’s postulates and what is their physical inspiration. Moreover, since QM is a theory formulated on vector spaces, I will emphasize the geometrical aspects and possible analogies with the Euclidean Geometry that new students are studying at the moment.I will try to restrain myself to the systems that can lead to finite dimension eigenproblems, which are easy to follow through.
Data do Evento:
04/04/2019 - 14:00 até 16:00
Data de Término:
04/04/2019 - 14:00