A sterile neutrino solution to B-physics anomalies

Colóquio do Departamento de Física Matemática

Palestrante: Daniele Barducci - University Roma

22/11, 6ª feira, 11h. IFUSP,  Sala Jayme Tiomno

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I discuss a combined explanation of charged- and neutral-current B-physics anomalies which assume the presence of a light sterile neutrino state. Two simplified scenario are considered: a scalar and a vector leptoquark model. While at present both models are compatible with direct LHC searches and low-energy flavor measurements, already with 300/fb of data the LHC will be able to completely test parameter space. I will then discuss the cosmological constraints on the sterile neutrino state and the conditions under which it can be a Dark Matter candidate.
Data do Evento: 
22/11/2019 - 11:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP