Artigos recentes
Artigos 2020
Crystal structure, cobalt and iron speciation and oxygen nonstoichiometry of La0.6Sr0.4Co1-yFeyO3-d nanorods for IT-SOFC cathodes [Download]
Phonon scattering mechanism in thermoelectric materials revised via resonant x-ray dynamical diffraction [Download]
Coordination of Eu3+ Activators in ZnAlEu Layered Double Hydroxides Intercalated by Isophthalate and Nitrilotriacetate [Download]
Incorporation of Europium in Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator Epitaxial Films [Download]
Molecular beam epitaxy of antiferromagnetic (MnBi2Te4)(Bi2Te3) thin films on BaF2 (111) [Download]
Morphology Control in van der Waals Epitaxy of Bismuth Telluride Topological Insulators [Download]
Intrinsic spatial resolution limit of the analyzer-based X-ray phase contrast imaging technique [Download]
Artigos 2019
Magnetic, structural and cation distribution studies on FeO·Fe(2−x)NdxO3 (x = 0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.1) nanoparticles [Download]
Effect of swelling agent in the synthesis of porous nanocrystalline nickelzirconia-ceria composite [Download]
Dynamics of encapsulated hepatitis B surface antigen [Download]
3D visualisation of hepatitis B vaccine in the oral delivery vehicle SBA-15 [Download]
Antigenic and physicochemical characterization of Hepatitis B surface protein under extreme temperature and pH conditions [Download]
Hard x-ray spectroscopy of the itinerant magnets RFe4Sb12 (R=Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba) [Download]
Dynamic magnetism in the disordered hexagonal double perovskite BaTi1/2Mn1/2O3 [Download]
Anisotropic magnetic excitations and incipient Néel order in Ba(Fe1−xMnx)2As2 [Download]
Dynamics of Defects in van der Waals Epitaxy of Bismuth Telluride Topological Insulators [Download]
X-Ray Dynamical Diffraction in Powder Samples with Time-Dependent Particle Size Distributions [Download]
In-place bonded semiconductor membranes as compliant substrates for III–V compound devices [Download]