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“On the statistical and transport properties of a non-dissipative Fermi-Ulam model”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 25, no. 10, p. 103107, 2015.
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“On the statistical and transport properties of a non-dissipative Fermi-Ulam model”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 25, no. 10, p. 103107, 2015.
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“Effects of the spike timing-dependent plasticity on the synchronisation in a random Hodgkin–Huxley neuronal network”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 34, pp. 12 - 22, 2016.
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“Influence of stability islands in the recurrence of particles in a static oval billiard with holes”, Physics Letters A, vol. 380, no. 43, pp. 3634 - 3639, 2016.
, “The role of extreme orbits in the global organization of periodic regions in parameter space for one dimensional maps”, Physics Letters A, vol. 380, no. 18-19, pp. 1610 - 1614, 2016.
, “Suppression of phase synchronisation in network based on cat's brain”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 043107, 2016.
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“Spike timing-dependent plasticity induces non-trivial topology in the brain”, Neural Networks, vol. 88, pp. 58 - 64, 2017.
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“Synaptic Plasticity and Spike Synchronisation in Neuronal Networks”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 678 - 688, 2017.
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“Synchronised firing patterns in a random network of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model”, Neural Networks, vol. 90, pp. 1-7, 2017.
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“Alterations in brain connectivity due to plasticity and synaptic delay”, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 227282034886590749902644301231464318961183347242596418326, no. 5-6, pp. 673 - 682, 2018.
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“Delayed feedback control of phase synchronisation in a neuronal network model”, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 227, no. 10-11, pp. 1151 - 1160, 2018.
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“Ensemble separation and stickiness influence in a driven stadium-like billiard: A Lyapunov exponents analysis”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 65, pp. 248 - 259, 2018.
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“Ensemble separation and stickiness influence in a driven stadium-like billiard: A Lyapunov exponents analysis”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 65, pp. 248 - 259, 2018.
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“Explaining a changeover from normal to super diffusion in time-dependent billiards”, EPL (Europhysics Letters), vol. 121, no. 6, p. 60003, 2018.
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“Extreming curves and the parameter space of a generalized Logistic mapping”, Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 109 - 118, 2018.
, “How synapses can enhance sensibility of a neural network”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 492, pp. 1045 - 1052, 2018.
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“Inference of topology and the nature of synapses, and the flow of information in neuronal networks”, Physical Review E, vol. 97, no. 2, 2018.
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“Investigation of stickiness influence in the anomalous transport and diffusion for a non-dissipative Fermi–Ulam model”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 55, pp. 225 - 236, 2018.
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“Investigation of stickiness influence in the anomalous transport and diffusion for a non-dissipative Fermi–Ulam model”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 55, pp. 225 - 236, 2018.
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“On the Localization of Invariant Tori in a Family of Generalized Standard Mappings and its Applications to Scaling in a Chaotic Sea”, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018.
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“On the Localization of Invariant Tori in a Family of Generalized Standard Mappings and its Applications to Scaling in a Chaotic Sea”, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018.
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“Recurrence quantification analysis for the identification of burst phase synchronisation”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 28, no. 8, p. 085701, 2018.
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“Statistical properties for an open oval billiard: An investigation of the escaping basins”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 106, pp. 355 - 362, 2018.
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“Synchronous behaviour in network model based on human cortico-cortical connections”, Physiological Measurement, vol. 39, no. 7, p. 074006, 2018.
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“Synchronous behaviour in network model based on human cortico-cortical connections”, Physiological Measurement, vol. 39, no. 7, p. 074006, 2018.
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