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M. C. de Sousa, Caldas, I. L., de Almeida, A. M. Ozorio, Rizzato, F. B., and Pakter, R., Multiple island chains in wave-particle interactions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 641, p. 012003, 2015. (851.24 KB)
R. M. O. Galvão, Amador, C. H. S., Baquero, W. A. H., Borges, F. S., Caldas, I. L., Cuevas, N. A. M., Duarte, V. N., Elfimov, A. G., Elizondo, J. I., Fonseca, A. M. M., Germano, T. M., Grenfell, G. G., Guimarães-Filho, Z. O., Jeronimo, J. L., Kuznetsov, Y. K., Manrique, M. A. M., Nascimento, I. C., Pires, C. J. A., Puglia, P. G. P., Reis, A. P., Ronchi, G., Ruchko, L. F., de Sá, W. P., Sgalla, R. J. F., Sanada, E., Severo, J. H. F., Theodoro, V. C., and Toufen, D. L., Report on recent results obtained in TCABR, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 591, p. 012001, 2015. (2.52 MB)
R. M. O. Galvão, Amador, C. H. S., Baquero, W. A. H., Borges, F. S., Caldas, I. L., Cuevas, N. A. M., Duarte, V. N., Elfimov, A. G., Elizondo, J. I., Fonseca, A. M. M., Germano, T. M., Grenfell, G. G., Guimarães-Filho, Z. O., Jeronimo, J. L., Kuznetsov, Y. K., Manrique, M. A. M., Nascimento, I. C., Pires, C. J. A., Puglia, P. G. P., Reis, A. P., Ronchi, G., Ruchko, L. F., de Sá, W. P., Sgalla, R. J. F., Sanada, E., Severo, J. H. F., Theodoro, V. C., and Toufen, D. L., Report on recent results obtained in TCABR, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 591, p. 012001, 2015. (2.52 MB)
F. A. C. Pereira, Toufen, D. L., Guimarães-Filho, Z. O., Caldas, I. L., and Gentle, K. W., Burst propagation in Texas Helimak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 58, no. 5, p. 054007, 2016. (3.59 MB)
E. L. Lameu, Macau, E. E. N., Borges, F. S., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Borges, R. R., Protachevicz, P. R., Viana, R. L., and Batista, A. Marcos, Alterations in brain connectivity due to plasticity and synaptic delay, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 227282034886590749902644301231464318961183347242596418326, no. 5-6, pp. 673 - 682, 2018. (1019.13 KB)
F. A. C. Pereira, Hernandez, W. A., Toufen, D. L., Guimarães-Filho, Z. O., Caldas, I. L., and Gentle, K. W., Burst temperature from conditional analysis in Texas Helimak and TCABR tokamak, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 25, no. 4, p. 042301, 2018. (1.72 MB)
T. N. Nogueira, Pereira, F. A. C., Procopio, J., and Sartorelli, J. C., Dripping faucet dynamics in a nonuniform electric field, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 28, no. 11, p. 113101, 2018. (3.13 MB)
T. N. Nogueira, Pereira, F. A. C., Procopio, J., and Sartorelli, J. C., Dripping faucet dynamics in a nonuniform electric field, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 28, no. 11, p. 113101, 2018. (3.13 MB)
M. S. Palmero, Livorati, A. L. P., Caldas, I. L., and Leonel, E. D., Ensemble separation and stickiness influence in a driven stadium-like billiard: A Lyapunov exponents analysis, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 65, pp. 248 - 259, 2018. (1.54 MB)
P. R. Protachevicz, Borges, F. S., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Baptista, M. S., Viana, R. L., Lameu, E. L., Macau, E. E. N., and Batista, A. Marcos, How synapses can enhance sensibility of a neural network, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 492, pp. 1045 - 1052, 2018. (804.92 KB)
F. S. Borges, Lameu, E. L., Iarosz, K. C., Protachevicz, P. R., Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., Macau, E. E. N., Batista, A. Marcos, and Baptista, M. S., Inference of topology and the nature of synapses, and the flow of information in neuronal networks, Physical Review E, vol. 97, no. 2, 2018. (1.74 MB)
A. L. R. Livorati, Palmero, M. S., Díaz, G. I., Dettmann, C. P., Caldas, I. L., and Leonel, E. D., Investigation of stickiness influence in the anomalous transport and diffusion for a non-dissipative Fermi–Ulam model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 55, pp. 225 - 236, 2018. (3.62 MB)
E. L. Lameu, Yanchuk, S., Macau, E. E. N., Borges, F. S., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Protachevicz, P. R., Borges, R. R., Viana, R. L., Szezech, J. D., Batista, A. Marcos, and Kurths, J., Recurrence quantification analysis for the identification of burst phase synchronisation, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 28, no. 8, p. 085701, 2018. (1.73 MB)
P. R. Protachevicz, Borges, R. R., Reis, A. S., Borges, F. S., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Lameu, E. L., Macau, E. E. N., Viana, R. L., Sokolov, I. M., Ferrari, F. A. S., Kurths, J., Batista, A. Marcos, Lo, C. - Y., He, Y., and Lin, C. - P., Synchronous behaviour in network model based on human cortico-cortical connections, Physiological Measurement, vol. 39, no. 7, p. 074006, 2018. (1.81 MB)
P. R. Protachevicz, Borges, F. S., Lameu, E. L., Ji, P., Iarosz, K. C., Kihara, A. H., Caldas, I. L., Szezech, J. D., Baptista, M. S., Macau, E. E. N., Antonopoulos, C. G., Batista, A. Marcos, and Kurths, J., Bistable Firing Pattern in a Neural Network Model, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, vol. 13, no. 19, 2019. (3.79 MB)
G. I. Díaz, Palmero, M. S., Caldas, I. L., and Leonel, E. D., Diffusion entropy analysis in billiard systems, Physical Review E, vol. 1009818, no. 4, 2019. (3.2 MB)
T. F. Viscondi, Grigolo, A., Aranha, J. A. P., PIQUEIRA, J. R. C., Caldas, I. L., and Meneghini, J. R., Multiscale Approach to Fluid-Solid Interfaces: An Overview of Methodologies Coupling Fluid Mechanics to Molecular Dynamicsand Quantum Theory, Polytechnica, vol. 2, pp. 77 - 86, 2019. (615.3 KB)
F. A. S. Ferrari, Prado, T. L., da Silva, T. F. P., Santos, C. M. dos, Santos, M. S., de Souza, S. L. T., Iarosz, K. C., Szezech, J. D., and Batista, A. Marcos, Numerical simulations of the linear drift memristor model, The European Physical Journal Plus, vol. 134, p. 102, 2019. (1.09 MB)
M. S. Santos, Protachevicz, P. R., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., Borges, F. S., Ren, H. - P., Szezech, J. D., Batista, A. Marcos, and Grebogi, C., Spike-burst chimera states in an adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuronal network, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 295, no. 4, p. 043106, 2019. (9.25 MB)
