Exportar 118 resultados:
Filtros: First Letter Of Last Name é V and Autor is Viana, Ricardo L. [Limpar todos os filtros]
“Bicoherence in electrostatic turbulence driven by high magnetohydrodynamic activity in Tokamak Chauffage Alfvén Brésilien”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 042508, 2009.
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“Bubbling transition to spatial mode excitation in an extended dynamical system”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 238, no. 5, pp. 516 - 525, 2009.
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“Clustering and diffusion in a symplectic map lattice with non-local coupling”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 2201 - 2215, 2009.
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“Multistability and Self-Similarity in the Parameter-Space of a Vibro-Impact System”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2009464610, no. 5, pp. 1 - 11, 2009.
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“Transport control in fusion plasmas by changing electric and magnetic field spatial profiles”, Computer Physics Communications, vol. 180, no. 4, pp. 642 - 650, 2009.
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“Transport properties in nontwist area-preserving maps”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 043108, 2009.
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“Chaotic transport in reversed shear tokamaks”, Nuclear Fusion, vol. 48, no. 2, p. 024018, 2008.
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“Control and chaos for vibro-impact and non-ideal oscillators”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 46, 2008.
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“Electrostatic turbulence driven by high magnetohydrodynamic activity in Tokamak Chauffage Alfvén Brésilien”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 062501, 2008.
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“Escape patterns of chaotic magnetic field lines in a tokamak with reversed magnetic shear and an ergodic limiter”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 15, no. 9, p. 092310, 2008.
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“Low-dimensional chaos and wave turbulence in plasmas”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 366133290392122664717115515425263518, no. 18652323, pp. 609 - 620, 2008.
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“Recurrence quantification analysis of electrostatic fluctuations in fusion plasmas”, Physics Letters A, vol. 372, no. 7, pp. 1088 - 1095, 2008.
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“Tokamak magnetic field lines described by simple maps”, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 165, no. 1, pp. 195 - 210, 2008.
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“Damping control law for a chaotic impact oscillator”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 745 - 750, 2007.
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“DIFFUSIVE TRANSPORT THROUGH A NONTWIST BARRIER IN TOKAMAKS”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 17, no. 05, pp. 1589 - 1598, 2007.
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“Direction coherence in scale-free lattices of chaotic maps”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 383, no. 2, pp. 725 - 732, 2007.
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“FRACTAL AND WADA EXIT BASIN BOUNDARIES IN TOKAMAKS”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 4067 - 4079, 2007.
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“Noise-induced basin hopping in a vibro-impact system”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 758 - 767, 2007.
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“A simple feedback control for a chaotic oscillator with limited power supply”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 299, no. 3, pp. 664 - 671, 2007.
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“Transversal dynamics of a non-locally-coupled map lattice”, Physical Review E, vol. 76, no. 1, 2007.
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“Dynamics of vibrating systems with tuned liquid column dampers and limited power supply”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 289, no. 4-5, pp. 987 - 998, 2006.
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“Effects of the resonant modes on the magnetic footprint patterns in a tokamak wall”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 052511, 2006.
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“Escaping and transport barrier due to ergodic magnetic limiters in tokamaks with reversed magnetic shear”, Nuclear Fusion, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. S192 - S198, 2006.
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“Nonlinear three-mode interaction and drift-wave turbulence in a tokamak edge plasma”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 042510, 2006.
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“Turbulence Induced Transport in Tokamaks”, in PLASMA AND FUSION SCIENCE: 16th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research using Small Fusion Devices; XI Latin American Workshop on Plasma PhysicsAIP Conference Proceedings, Mexico City (Mexico), 2006.
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